Developer Guide

pulldown-cmark uses a two-pass parsing strategy with a pull parser architecture to efficiently parse Markdown into HTML. This guide explains the internal workings of the library for developers who want to contribute or better understand how it works.

High-Level Architecture

The parser operates in two main passes:

  1. First Pass (Block Structure): The first pass scans the document and builds a tree structure representing block-level elements like paragraphs, lists, code blocks, etc. This establishes the hierarchical structure of the document.

  2. Second Pass (Inline Processing): The second pass processes inline elements like emphasis, links and code spans within the blocks identified by the first pass. This is done in a streaming fashion as events are requested.

The library uses a pull parser design, which means:

  • Instead of pushing events to a callback or building a complete AST, it provides an iterator interface that lets consumers pull events as needed
  • It enables flexible transformation of the event stream before rendering

Key components:

  • Parser: The main entry point that implements the Iterator trait for Events
  • Tree: A Vec-based data structure that holds the block structure
  • Event: An enum representing the different Markdown elements
  • HtmlWriter: Renders the event stream as HTML

Performance Characteristics

The parser is designed for high performance:

  • Performance is intended to be linear with respect to the size of the input text
  • String handling uses copy-on-write semantics to avoid unnecessary allocations
  • SIMD optimizations are available for scanning text on x86_64

Extending the Parser

The parser can be extended in several ways:

  • New syntax extensions can be added by implementing new scan functions
  • The event stream can be transformed using Iterator adaptors
  • Custom renderers can be built by consuming events
  • The HTML renderer can be customized through options

Directory Structure

src/   - First pass block structure parsing    - Low-level text scanning functions       - Main parser implementation        - HTML renderer        - Tree data structure    - HTML entity handling     - String types and utilities

Subsequent chapters cover each of these components in detail:

  1. Block Structure Parsing
  2. Inline Processing
  3. String Handling
  4. HTML Generation
  5. Performance Optimizations
  6. Adding Extensions