Dump block-level tag events to the console in descriptive form
use pulldown_cmark::{Event, Options, Parser, Tag}; fn main() { let markdown_input = concat!( "# My Heading\n", "\n", "My paragraph.\n", "\n", "* a\n", "* b\n", "* c\n", "\n", "1. d\n", "2. e\n", "3. f\n", "\n", "> my block quote\n", "\n", "```\n", "my code block\n", "```\n", "\n", "*emphasis*\n", "**strong**\n", "~~strikethrough~~\n", "[My Link](http://example.com)\n", "\n", "\n", "| a | b |\n", "| - | - |\n", "| c | d |\n", "\n", "hello[^1]\n", "[^1]: my footnote\n", ); println!( "\nParsing the following markdown string:\n{}\n", markdown_input ); // Set up the parser. We can treat is as any other iterator. // For each event, we print its details, such as the tag or string. // This filter simply returns the same event without any changes; // you can compare the `event-filter` example which alters the output. let parser = Parser::new_ext(markdown_input, Options::all()).map(|event| { match &event { Event::Start(tag) => match tag { Tag::HtmlBlock => println!("HtmlBlock"), Tag::Heading { level, id, classes, attrs, } => println!( "Heading heading_level: {} fragment identifier: {:?} classes: {:?} attrs: {:?}", level, id, classes, attrs ), Tag::Paragraph => println!("Paragraph"), Tag::List(ordered_list_first_item_number) => println!( "List ordered_list_first_item_number: {:?}", ordered_list_first_item_number ), Tag::DefinitionList => println!("Definition list"), Tag::DefinitionListTitle => println!("Definition title (definition list item)"), Tag::DefinitionListDefinition => println!("Definition (definition list item)"), Tag::Item => println!("Item (this is a list item)"), Tag::Emphasis => println!("Emphasis (this is a span tag)"), Tag::Superscript => println!("Superscript (this is a span tag)"), Tag::Subscript => println!("Subscript (this is a span tag)"), Tag::Strong => println!("Strong (this is a span tag)"), Tag::Strikethrough => println!("Strikethrough (this is a span tag)"), Tag::BlockQuote(kind) => println!("BlockQuote ({:?})", kind), Tag::CodeBlock(code_block_kind) => { println!("CodeBlock code_block_kind: {:?}", code_block_kind) } Tag::Link { link_type, dest_url, title, id, } => println!( "Link link_type: {:?} url: {} title: {} id: {}", link_type, dest_url, title, id ), Tag::Image { link_type, dest_url, title, id, } => println!( "Image link_type: {:?} url: {} title: {} id: {}", link_type, dest_url, title, id ), Tag::Table(column_text_alignment_list) => println!( "Table column_text_alignment_list: {:?}", column_text_alignment_list ), Tag::TableHead => println!("TableHead (contains TableRow tags"), Tag::TableRow => println!("TableRow (contains TableCell tags)"), Tag::TableCell => println!("TableCell (contains inline tags)"), Tag::FootnoteDefinition(label) => println!("FootnoteDefinition label: {}", label), Tag::MetadataBlock(kind) => println!("MetadataBlock: {:?}", kind), }, _ => (), }; event }); let mut html_output = String::new(); pulldown_cmark::html::push_html(&mut html_output, parser); println!("\nHTML output:\n{}\n", &html_output); }