// This is a slightly modified (replaced example strikethrough by example) of the // table section from GitHub's spec.txt

Strikethrough (extension)

GFM enables the strikethrough extension, where an additional emphasis type is available.

Strikethrough text is any text wrapped in a matching pair of one or two tildes (~).

~~Hi~~ Hello, ~there~ world!
<p><del>Hi</del> Hello, <del>there</del> world!</p>

As with regular emphasis delimiters, a new paragraph will cause strikethrough parsing to cease:

This ~~has a

new paragraph~~.
<p>This ~~has a</p>
<p>new paragraph~~.</p>

Three or more tildes do not create a strikethrough:

This will ~~~not~~~ strike.
<p>This will ~~~not~~~ strike.</p>